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Is Australia ready to face Covid truths?

On 19 March 2022 I attended a protest outside the prime minister’s humble abode in Sydney. I would estimate the crowd on this showery day at somewhere between 300-500 people. The event was noisy, entirely peaceful, and completely ignored by the media. 

Two days later I attended another protest, this time outside the New South Wales Parliament House. Again it was noisy and peaceful. This time there were a few journos loitering among the over 500 strong crowd, perhaps because a few politicians were speaking. Let’s say the output of these journalists didn’t exactly raise the standard of reporting on Covid – no surprises there. 

But why still protest at all? Didn’t we have freedom day? Isn’t everything hunky-dory again – more or less?

On a personal level, my parents are both turning 80 this year, my sister 50, but there is no sign that the government will lift the ban for the unvaccinated any time soon so that I could travel overseas to partake in these celebrations. And thousands of other Australians are in the same situation. 

While over 95% of Australians might think they pretty much have their old lives back, for a small minority, this is decidedly not the case – a minority that could easily be forgotten in a brainwashed binary society that has decided that: jab = good, no jab = bad.

No matter the increasing evidence from around the world that these jabs are somewhere between pretty much useless to outright dangerous. 

In Australia, the mass hysteria continues to be nourished by governments and the mainstream media – with the spectre of new spin-off versions of the incredibly non-deadly deadliest virus ever created, and by maintaining mask mandates on public transport, the only conceivable purpose of which is to remind the plebs: “it’s not over – and we’ve got you muzzled and on your knees”.

Sadly, most people dutifully continue to submit to the governments’ ridiculous laws and regulations.  

The fight against all this Covid nonsense must continue. 

Whilst I enjoyed these latest protests overall, and I don’t doubt the organisers’ good intentions, on further reflection, I feel disappointed. There is a lot of shouting, but little substance. There is nothing that might possibly inform or convince someone (including a politician) who is perhaps not quite sure about this Covid thing. There is no concrete calling out of the medical disinformation and misinformation that the governments and the media are showering us with. 

Sure, preaching to the converted in this way is fine too – it can provide a sense of community and demonstrate we’re not going to allow the government to pull the wool over our eyes. But you don’t need to do that in front of parliament houses, especially when in my view some of the speakers are potentially doing nothing more than fueling the media’s primitive image of those who are critical of senseless government measures. 

I think we need to do more. We, the people who have not lost our critical thinking hats during this Covid mayhem, have to call out the precise reasons why we oppose government measures, and we must also ask for specific actions. 

Perhaps Australia isn’t ready yet, but I’m saying it anyway: at this point we have to push for three things to prevent this kind of calamity we call Covid from happening again.

  1. We need a Royal Commission. Some kind of rubbishy parliamentary inquiry won’t do, because the vast majority of parliamentarians from all persuasions have failed us miserably from day one. 

    We need a full royal commission with wide-ranging terms of reference, so that every closet will be opened, every carpet will be removed, every swamp will be drained, and bright lights will shine on every dark corner of this sad and sorry saga. These politicians, our employees that are supposedly serving us, have been taking us for fools. Their ineptness and incompetence must be exposed, and this demagogic, undemocratic nonsense must stop for good. A royal commission would be a necessary first step at least.
  2. Some of our state and federal laws must be overhauled. 

    Why on Earth would we give a handful of panicked and hapless Ministers and their hand-picked unelected careerist henchmen the unfettered dictatorial powers that they have been using and abusing for two years now? It has proven to be a recipe for disaster. 

    Laws that allow an entire nation to become essentially a prison island for two years simply at the say-so of a Minister who doesn’t have to produce a shred of actual evidence is preposterous and undeserving of a democratic and free society. 

    The same goes for the absurd laws and regulations that essentially introduce compulsory vaccination with experimental drugs through the back door.

    To be fair, probably nobody anticipated anything like what we’ve experienced when the current Biosecurity Act 2015 or the various current state and territory Public Health Acts were drafted. And probably none of the then parliamentarians even read those problematic provisions (they hardly ever do, they just vote along party lines).

    But it’s in our hands to redraft those laws and make sure there is transparency and proper accountability, and that our human rights and freedom are respected and maintained, even if there were a real crisis. 

    How about an Australian Bill of Rights? I think that’s worth reconsidering, seeing our Constitution is so utterly useless in protecting us from government overreach. 
  3. No pandemic treaty!

    We cannot allow any Australian government to sign up to the upcoming WHO treaty. Treaty? What treaty? Well, whilst the easily distracted media are busy reporting on the conflict in the Ukraine, the WHO is just as busy cooking up its next evil scheme, in concert with the usual suspects. 

    Yes, a pandemic treaty is in the works, with the aim of unleashing it on the world by 2024. Since you won’t find anything about this in the mainstream media, you might want to read up on the progress so far here.

    I would not be surprised if that treaty would turn upside down all previous sensible pandemic plans. Instead, such a treaty could enshrine the use of lockdowns and mask wearing at the first sign of an alleged new virus, prescribe total censorship of any and all questioning voices, make compulsory 24/7 tracking of the entire world population, and the only allowable medical countermeasure could be these supposed mRNA vaccines, complete with mandatory digital vaccine passports. 

    Such a treaty would undermine individual countries’ sovereignty, and along with this our democracy and freedoms would take another huge blow.

We must continue to say no, and we must make specific demands – loudly, but clearly and intelligently.

It’s all covid-sense

It was always clear for UK health authorities at least – Covid-19 was not going to be a public health catastrophe. It appears the only reason why the UK Government still went along with the Covid madness was to please the WHO.

Covid is over – it’s time to move on

After two years, I declare Covid over, at least for me. It’s time to move on. 

Over the last two years, I dedicated many hours reading, researching, and writing on my own blog about Covid. I sensed that something was going horribly wrong in our society. I simply had to speak out against the obvious lies and deceit, the inhumanity and injustice that governments with the full and unquestioned support of the media have been inflicting on each and every one of us.

But enough is enough. After spending two years of my life trying to understand and analyze what I soon recognized as some form of mass psychosis, it’s time to leave this ridiculous Covid nonsense behind me as much as I can. I refuse to be consumed by it any longer.

I am satisfied that overall the Covid narrative is very slowly shifting, even in the mainstream media.

It’s almost comical to observe how history is carefully being re-written by and for those who have so much to answer for.

The truth behind the big Covid fraud is very slowly bubbling to the surface, and I’m reminded of a sentence Charles Mackay wrote in his 1841 book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowd:

Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.

I want to write about what I have learned about myself, others, and the world in general over the last two years.

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25 ways to feel great during COVID

Satire trigger warning: This text may offend some most people.

We’ve had a rough two years, so it’s all the more important that we remind ourselves how we can still feel really good about ourselves in these Covid times. Below some suggestions:

  1. Avoid leaving your home unless absolutely necessary. There are few excuses these days, thanks to the internet. The only good reason to leave your home is to get jabbed.
  2. When you’re waiting for a lift, and the door opens and there’s already someone in there, wag your index finger at the person to indicate you wouldn’t go in there if your life depended on it.
  3. If you are the person who’s already in the lift, make sure you stand right by the door to indicate to anyone else who wants to enter the lift that you’re not happy to have company. If they rudely insist on entering the lift with you anyway, and you don’t feel confident to tell them to bugger off, then jump backward and stand in a corner as far away from the intruder as possible, facing away from them, grumble and put on an extra mask or two. That way you protect yourself maximally, and you provide that so-called person a much-needed lesson in social etiquette.
  4. Make a big detour around people you pass on the footpath – better safe than sorry. Remember, everyone’s an enemy, and you want to make sure that the others know that you know that. And as you’re approaching, make sure to demonstratively mount a mask, or two, or three.
  5. Wear three masks, not just one or two. Consider adding a visor too. Wearing any kind of glasses is also advisable. And gloves, of course. At this stage putting a plastic bag over your head is not recommended, even if it is see-through. Peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that this may cause death.
  6. Remember to always follow the science. If you’re not sure what the science is, just listen to the government, or the media will happily repeat the government’s message too, so you can always rely on them.
  7. Make sure you scan every QR code you encounter. I’ve heard it’s going to become an Olympic sport at the next Games. Practice makes perfect.
  8. Show the virus just how much you hate it by even wearing a mask when you’re in a car by yourself, or in the office by yourself, or at home by yourself, or in nature, or in the desert.
  9. If you must mix with the great unwashed and use public transport, don’t touch anything, don’t sit next to anyone, don’t look at anyone.
  10. If you need to press any buttons, do so with your clothed elbow or your knee (if you’re wearing long pants or knee protectors), or a long object. Afterwards, wipe said touchpoints vigorously with a disinfectant wipe for several minutes.
  11. If you see an elderly person fall over, refrain from assisting. They might have Covid or you might give it to them and then you’re to blame and you don’t want either. The best thing to do in such situations is to call 000 right away and leave the scene as you don’t want to start forming a crowd.
  12. The new national sport is car queuing in front of a Covid testing centre. Honk loudly if anyone tries to push in. Honk if you think you have to wait too long. Honking will delight those living along the route the queue takes, often covering many kilometres. Honking is good for the soul.
  13. Whinge about never-ending Covid in Zoom conferences. Make sure to cover the latest cases, cases, and more cases. You should also ask everyone about their vaccination status and show off your own. Don’t forget to highlight how you’re following all the rules and so many others just don’t. You will feel 100 times better afterwards for sure.
  14. Laugh heartily with others (via phone or Zoom, of course) about blatantly contradictory and non-sensical Covid rules – and then follow them dutifully anyway. This makes you an undisputed Covid hero.
  15. Ride every possible panic wave and hoard like there’s literally no tomorrow. That way you know you’re part of the in-crowd. There is no fuzzier feeling than knowing that we’re all in this together!
  16. Sanitise your hands at least 20 times a day. The more times the better really. Dispensers are liberally distributed throughout the country, so there are no excuses.
  17. When you’re sanitising your hands, make sure everybody sees you do it. Plant yourself in front of the dispenser, wave your arms wildly for about 10 seconds, squirt several portions of sanitiser on your hands, and then hold out your arms out in front of you wringing your hands together, gleefully smiling (under several layers of masks of course).
  18. If you must meet someone in person, make greeting them as awkward as possible. Above all, resist the temptation to accept a handshake, should anyone attempt such a medieval act.
  19. Make up a new greeting. How about the “bum bump”?
  20. Give a “friend” or “relative” who is critical of the government’s measures a tin-foil hat as a Christmas or birthday present.
  21. Hate an anti-vaxxer. Add an extra x for exxxtra effect, and add a couple of extra expletives, so, for example: Bloody rotten lousy selfish disgusting idiotic irresponsible anti-vaxxxer
  22. Never ever miss a news update from your favourite mainstream news channel. It’s your patriotic duty to watch these. By now you should have alerts set up, so you can’t possibly miss any updates from your beloved state or federal leader or Chief Medical Officer. Whenever they appear on TV, make sure you’re kneeling.
  23. Send a loved one who is on their death bed a heart-felt message explaining that you would have come but you’re scared of killing them with Covid – that will surely make their passing a much more pleasant experience – and you’ve done all you can and don’t have to feel guilty.
  24. Dob in a neighbour, friend, colleague, or even a stranger for not adhering to some government health directive, for example: not wearing a mask, not keeping their distance, having a gathering with too many people. There’s plenty to choose from. Remember, this will be good practice for when, a few years from now, you will receive social credit points for such good deeds.
  25. In the meantime, you can sign up for your very own Covid Rewards Card and take up a free Covid Vaccine Subscription.

Some more Covid logic

Germany’s new national health minister Karl Lauterbach has been a constant presence on German TV throughout the Covid scamdemic, featuring in many talk shows, fear-mongering at every opportunity. He is, of course, a staunch advocate for mandatory vaccination, which is being discussed right now.

On 19 January 2022 he said on the ARD’s national news show Tagesschau:

I believe, that doctors should vaccinate everybody…those who want to get vaccinated because they want to adhere to the vaccine mandate, and those who want to get vaccinated quite voluntarily. Nobody is vaccinated against their will. Even the vaccine mandate results in people ultimately getting vaccinated voluntarily., translation mine

Seriously? By the way, this statement is not that easy to find on the internet. In normal times one would expect such blatantly nonsensical and moronic statements to be splashed all over the news channels.

Once again, because it is so beautiful, and this time in the original German:

Ich glaube, dass Ärzte jeden impfen sollten. Derjenige, der geimpft werden will, weil er der Impfpflicht nachkommt und denjenigen, der sich ganz freiwillig impfen lassen will. Es wird ja niemand gegen seinen Willen geimpft. Selbst die Impfpflicht führt ja dazu, dass man sich am Schluss freiwillig impfen lässt.

Covid legal proceedings in Australia

This post is updated and re-posted with the latest publication date as new information comes to hand.

The executive and legislative powers of government, as well as journalism, have been wiped out by the current mass psychosis called Covid. Will the judiciary re-inject some commonsense and humanity back into our society and halt the slow but steady slide into totalitarianism? This blog post deals with some major legal developments in Australia, starting in September 2021:

  • The Australian Vaccination-Risks Network Federal Court case
  • The Palmer Queensland Supreme Court case
  • The Smit Federal Court case
  • The CFMEU v BHP (Mount Arthur) Fair Work Commission case
  • The Larter NSW Supreme Court case
  • The Harding Victorian Supreme Court case
  • The Queensland Nurses Federal Court case
  • The Johnston Queensland Supreme Court case
  • The Dunn Tasmanian Supreme Court case
  • The Cetnar Victorian Supreme Court case
  • The Davis NCAT case
  • The Kassam/Henry NSW Supreme Court cases
  • The Can NSW Supreme Court case
  • The Hocroft NSW Supreme Court case
  • The Naumenko NSW Supreme Court case
  • The Kimber Fair Work Commission case & aftermath
  • The LibertyWorks Federal Court case
  • The Graffunder Queensland Industrial Relations case
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He said what now??

Recently someone very famous said some interesting things about some very contemporary issues that affect us all. It’s not about that person, it’s about the messages, so let’s focus on those. 

That person stated, quite incredibly:

I expect that would lead the R&D budgets to be focused on things we didn’t have today, you know, we didn’t have vaccines that blocked transmission. We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmissions. We need a new way of doing the vaccines.

He (ok, it’s a man) spoke about the alleged Covid vaccines, which, as is becoming increasingly obvious, are at best pretty useless. Yet somehow he still maintains they’re good for your health.

In what way, I wonder? They must be jam-packed with vitamins or something. (Ah sorry, we don’t talk about vitamins, because you can’t make much money with those.)

Remember, the person whom I quoted is highly regarded by most western governments at least, enjoys a huge amount of influence in many countries, and many mistake him for some kind of expert, if not a God. Indeed, he’s been dealing with viruses his entire adult life in one form or another.

But: how could he possibly be allowed to say that the Covid “vaccines” are not as good as he would have liked?

Interestingly, many scientists and medical experts have criticized and warned about the so-called Covid-19 vaccines since the middle of last year, but they were shouted down, decried, ridiculed, censored. There never even was a debate about whether it was a good idea to unleash these substances, insufficiently tested and based on technologies never before used in humans in that way. They just forged ahead without the slightest hesitation. 

But as the mountain of evidence about the lack of efficacy and high numbers of adverse events is starting to dwarf Mount Everest, the vitriol against the voices of reason simply continues, and the vaccine agenda continues full steam ahead.

The person I quoted also rejoiced in that same interview at the miraculous availability of two new therapeutic drugs to treat Covid – as if there had been no safe and effective therapeutic treatments available before.

He would also like to see  a WHO-led pandemic taskforce that will play war-games to make sure that next time a virus is conjured up, the whole pandemic propaganda machinery will work even better than over the last twenty months. Billions of dollars will be injected into that new arm of the WHO, as if it didn’t have enough greedy tentacles already.

But it doesn’t end there. The man foolishly wants to eradicate influenza generally, along with the common cold. No kidding!

I was always under the impression that us humans have a wonderful inbuilt natural immune system that works perfectly fine for the vast majority of us.

In fact, the ‘use it or lose it’ principle applies to this part of human physiology as it does to every other part. Nobody likes to be sick, but it’s just part of life and helps us be independently healthy overall. Our healthy immune system is like an armature.

A crazy measure like eradicating influenza and the common cold, assuming this is actually achievable (let’s hope not), would undermine this natural mechanism. It would seriously compromise if not destroy our own immune system that served us well for countless millennia. 

So you have to ask the question: why mess with nature in that way? Is it because influenza and colds limit human productivity at the workplace? Is it because of the gigantic business opportunities? Is it about control? Why this sick obsession with the alleged vaccines? I wonder what this man’s answer to a question like that would be.

One thing is certain: once our bodies are completely dependent on an ever growing cocktail of drugs, we could also be forever dependent on those self-interested entities that produce said drugs. What a business model.

This person then also touched on how those drugs could be delivered in future, because who likes being jabbed in the arm every six months or less (that’s where we’re headed, make no mistake)?

Now, if you’ve been smiling tiredly at people who’ve talked about drugs being delivered via skin patches or even implants, and you think those people are nothing but loopy conspiracy theorists: this guy actually says it out loud – no reading anything into this, nothing is taken out of context: 

The nice thing is a lot of the R&D we need to do to be ready for the next pandemic are things like making vaccines cheap, having big factories, eradicating the flu, getting rid of the common cold, making vaccines just a little patch you put on your arm – things that will be incredibly beneficial even in the years when we don’t have pandemics.

Hoorah! What could possibly go wrong?

A few days later we learned from that same person that the pandemic will be over by mid-2022, and there probably won’t be any new variants. 

Well, why would we doubt him? He somehow seems to know things the rest of us don’t know. Or, given the emergence of yet another scariant, maybe not? Maybe someone forgot to give him the memo. Anyway.

Maybe we just needed a booster variant to ensure our fear levels remain sufficiently high to distract us from seeing the truth that is slowly but surely seeping out through the cracks of this gigantic Covid fraud.

PS: If you want to see the Policy Exchange interview in full, click here. The Bloomberg interview is available here.

Is Australia finally waking up?

When I arrived at Archibald Fountain in Hyde Park just after 12pm today, I thought the entire unvaccinated population of NSW had assembled here, prepared to finally stand up against the Covid nonsense which has been dominating and ruining our lives for the last 18 months. 

It was an overwhelming feeling of joy for me to see so many people show up for the latest Freedom Day demonstrations, which were held in cities all over the world. 

There was barely space to move, and more and more people were joining. Eventually, the colourful crowd started marching peacefully and from time to time chanting “freedom, freedom” down Market Street, right into Clarence Street, and then all the way up King Street. 

The last time I had seen this many people in one place would have been during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. I had goosebumps when I saw Market Street, and then King Street covered in humans.

Photographs: Jörg Probst

The crowd was a very homogenous one: young people, older people, families with children of all ages, people from all kinds of backgrounds, and all walks of life. 

Above all, it was great to see so many faces. Only very few people wore those horrid face nappies, which to me are mere symbols of state oppression.

The mood was positive and determined. People wore their statements of opposition against the disproportionate government measures on their t-shirts, and on their banners and placards. Some carried the national flag, the Eureka flag, or flags of other nations – it was a multicultural gathering after all. 

The theme was clear: most people were there to protest against vaccination coercion and mandates, and against the government overreach we’ve been experiencing. 

The police presence was strong. Whilst they wore masks, they wore no riot gear and they certainly had no reason to intervene with this peaceful demonstration. 

We simply wanted to let our governments know that we are fed up with their bullying, and yes, we also called for them to go. Our politicians have betrayed us and lied to us, and to see tens of thousands turn out on the streets of Sydney to convey that message was moving.   

Along the way I spoke for a while with a man in his thirties, who is, like myself, worried that his employer might mandate Covid vaccination. I also briefly spoke with a journalist from a major news organisation who expressed his frustration about how his profession handled Covid. 

Speaking of which: how did the media report on this event? 

Photographs: Jörg Probst

The ABC’s headline read “Thousands of anti-lockdown, vaccine mandate protesters march at COVID rallies across Australia,” with just a short and bland paragraph on the events in Sydney.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald the police stated there were 10,000 people, whilst the organizers said there were 100,000. The police should really know, but 10,000 seems a rather low estimate.

A Channel 9 article went with the usual derogatory anti-vax theme.

The crowd reassembled at the top of Martin Place, where a temporary stage had been built and speeches were held, including one by United Australia party leader Craig Kelly, one of few politicians who have spoken out against the draconian government Covid measures. 

The acoustics were less than ideal, the loudspeakers nowhere near powerful enough, and there simply wasn’t enough space to accommodate all those who had before marched on the street. But today I am happy to know that I am far from alone. An increasing number of Australians realise that they have been the victims of a gigantic fraud, and that we need to fight against it and hold our governments to account.

Yes, Australia is finally waking up.

Covid – how will it play out?

Do I have a crystal ball? No. But let me make an attempt at how this entire Covid debacle could play out over the next months and years.

Most countries seem to realise that they’re going to have to “live with Covid” one way or another and get on with it. But of course this doesn’t mean these governments will ever admit that they’ve been caught up in the most gigantic fraud and mass psychosis in history. 

I’m under no illusion that the narrative must and will be kept alive at all cost.

Mind you, the Covid narrative has been exposed and demolished for the stinking heap of lies that it is ever since March 2020 – you only had to look in the right places. 

It is only thanks to the well-oiled government and media driven propaganda machine that the majority of the fear-filled public still believes all this nonsense. 

Whether Covid was planned in some way or not, or whether it was just plain old never-let-a-good-crisis-go-to-waste opportunism: Who cares about the facts any more? Who cares about truth-seeking? 

  • Not the governments that have been benefiting from Covid through the most outrageous power grab. 
  • Not the multinational pharma and tech corporations whose share prices have ballooned beyond belief.
  • Not the hopelessly conflicted scientists who have boosted their profiles whilst disgracing their professions.
  • Not the hopelessly biased government-sponsored and corporate mainstream media.

Why would any of them want to end this crisis, or expose what’s really led to Covid-mania?

The extent to which the brainwashing has been successful hit home again just the other day, when I heard Noam Chomsky, author of Manufacturing Consent no less, made it very clear that he thinks those who won’t allow themselves to be injected with a so-called Covid vaccine are despicable people he doesn’t care about.

I gobbled up every Noam Chomsky book I could in my late teens and twenties, admiring him for exposing successive US governments for their bloody and unscrupulous hegemonial power plays in many parts of the world.

Despite his advanced age, he comes across as being remarkably lucid, so he has no excuse.

Nor do many other thinkers who have spoken out against injustice and anti-democratic forces for decades only to roll over now and suddenly support the tyranny that’s been spreading like wildfire throughout much of the world.

So when all these so-called intellectuals, who should be beacons of scientific and  critical thinking, simply swallow the Covid narrative that has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, what hope is there? What will our future look like? 

The truth has a habit of revealing itself sooner or later.

I fear it’s going to be later.

Meanwhile, the “learnings” from this Covid crisis will be exploited to the maximum by the powers that be. 

The crisis had hardly achieved full swing when Bill Gates announced we’ll never go back to normal and almost every person on the planet would have to be vaccinated, and the leader of the World Economic Forum wrote a book on what our future will look like. 

So really, our future has already been mapped out for us. Not that those powerful forces, driven by just a few deranged individuals ever asked you or I whether we want to live in a technocratic transhumanist totalitarian one-world government state, which sounds remarkably like a sick combination of 1984 and Brave New World. 

You might think that microchipped humans are some kind of far-fetched crazy conspiracy theory – until you do some research and you find that efforts to make all these crazy transhumanist ideas happen are well under way – it’s happening in plain sight. 

And it’s not like any of this junk-science driven madness we’re experiencing now hasn’t been on the horizon for a long time.

Even the famous futurist and astronomer Carl Sagan, a scientific heavyweight when I was growing up, saw the writing on the wall. He warned that the general population’s overall lack of understanding of the science would make society susceptible to exactly the kind of junk-science driven tyranny we’ve witnessed over the last 20 months.

Will we have some kind of social credit system tomorrow that controls everything you do by a system of carrots, sticks and nudges – no legal or physical force required?

When you think about how increasingly manipulated societies have become over the last century, it’s only a matter of time. It might not be in place tomorrow, most likely it will happen very gradually over a few generations.

Then again, two years ago nobody would have accepted lockdowns, and look how easy that was to implement across much of the world.

The conditions to create this kind of dystopia are perfect, after all. 

Why is all this happening? Is it because the few that own and manipulate the economy and politics know very well that they have to own the masses to avoid a revolution to a more egalitarian and humane society? If the masses were fully aware of the unworkable and fundamentally unjust economic system that’s been created especially over the last few decades with a seemingly unsolvable debt crisis, no doubt there would be pushback.

Ultimately, this can only be about undiluted, highly concentrated wealth – and control, total control. 

The fewer people you need to control, the better, so a depopulation agenda would also make sense from the point of view of these powers, but of course, it must happen surreptitiously, as if by accident. Some kind of catastrophe would serve well… but that’s pure speculation, of course. 

Still, in the absence of explanations, in the face of widespread state secrecy, what else can we do to try to make sense of a world that doesn’t make sense any more? 

We can put ourselves in the shoes of those powerful people and think what they would do to maintain and extend their power. And we can take into consideration the technological possibilities they have at their disposal.

Although they as individuals have no real powers to radically change society, as a conglomerate of powerful interests they sure do. They cleverly influence the way other influential people think, and if the conditions are right, as I said they are, then most of these people will implement their agendas without much of a challenge.

Prominent and influential intellectuals, scientists, politicians, and even artists readily become puppets. Once that’s happened, winning over the population is a piece of cake. 

But perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s look at the more immediate future.

As I stated earlier, most countries’ governments seem to have realised they can’t eradicate the SARS-Cov-2 virus (let’s assume for a moment it does exist), so they say “let’s vaccinate everyone and then we can move on.” Obviously, the vaccination drive is likely to continue. 

In my home state of New South Wales, close to 90% of the over 16 year-olds are already fully vaccinated. Many were coerced into doing this. With booster shots looming large already, we could be trapped in a never-ending cycle of vaccinations, with who knows what consequences to our own built-in natural immune systems.

Our politicians clearly don’t care, some of them have already announced half-yearly injections. And we can’t expect any help from the legal system either.

Those benefiting from Covid, particularly pharma companies, will not suddenly cease to make the most out of this new pandemic business model. There will be booster shot after booster shot, there will be “new and better” vaccines, There may even be new variants or viruses invented, just to keep the engine going. 

And should somehow too many of us see through the deception, there will be more coercion and laws to ensure compliance. 

If somehow the tide should turn in the near future, if by some miracle even politicians and scientists should realise that this was all a big mistake, the fear propaganda will simply turn into a propaganda of excuses: “we didn’t know enough at the time”, “nobody told us”. Yes you did, yes they did. You just didn’t want to listen!

“We only did what we were told.” Well, wasn’t that what many of the surviving Nazis said? 

Maybe, to return to the current situation, in the short run at least, this high vaccination rate will mean the NSW government will allow the state to “open up.” Maybe even for the few recalcitrant unvaccinated, reminding them at every opportunity what a rotten lousy lot they are. But the goal is now 95% before they’re allowed out, which is expected to be reached by 15 December. But of course, the goalposts could easily be shifted again.

Any further “outbreaks” will no doubt be blamed on the unvaccinated, no matter what the facts actually are. 

The children are the next target. With most parents fully on board, that is probably low hanging fruit – and what a huge market it is – ka-ching!

Might governments and employers soon think that they’ve pushed hard enough? Could they now declare success, and everyone is happy to move on? Maybe. But given the abounding quasi-religious zealousness, it’s difficult to imagine that one day soon the pressure to get vaccinated against Covid will ease, those horrid face nappies will disappear, and QR-code check-in requirements will be a thing of the past. The digital fallout from Covid will likely be substantial.

Those ridiculous and ultimately pointless measures that were sold to us as minor and necessary inconveniences could well remain, and become normalised. As long as most people play along and there is little resistance, as a society we will be captive to the Covid narrative.

I’ve said this for a long time: Covid will end when people start leaving this cult-like movement in droves. Or when the next catastrophe happens (or is conjured up, as the case may be).

Meanwhile, governments will give themselves more powers to do whatever they want. New laws will be passed that will grant more wide-ranging emergency powers. This has already started happening in parts of the world. And if it doesn’t happen right now, it will happen with the next fake pandemic. 

Then there is the other great hoax that’s been plaguing humanity ever since the last ice age was knocking at our door, back when I was young, in the late 1970s and early 1980s: the “climate crisis” through alleged man-made global warming. The hysteria that surrounds this topic is evident on a daily basis, and predictably, connections with Covid were made as early as mid-2020. If we can take such extraordinary measures during Covid, then surely we can do it to “save the climate.”

That’s the anchor point. And that particular agenda will also increasingly determine how we “live.” 

So we will smoothly slide from one fake crisis into the next, just so the elites can keep their fraud-driven economic system and their false narratives alive, and so the Technocracy Express can keep advancing at full speed.

What can be swept under the carpet will be swept under the carpet. Let’s not forget Climate Gate and 9/11? History will be re-written to suit the agenda. It’s already been happening during Covid times.

And what can’t be swept under the carpet doesn’t matter, because most people are in such a state of fear and confusion, they simply won’t notice, no matter how little sense anything makes. The search for truth has long become irrelevant. 

We will be guided into a form of slavery by corrupted scientist posing as experts, weak and corrupt politicians who will continue to pretend we live in a democracy, a corrupt and tame mainstream media, and of course a small cabal of self-serving business empires that are really pulling all the strings. 

Notwithstanding this gloomy outlook, I think there will continue to be a minority of humans who will not be corrupted, who will not give in to these dark and powerful forces, who will continue to think for themselves.

It may well be that if and when the technocratic transhumanist agenda fails for whatever reason, the pendulum will swing back again. 

Humanity seems to do this time and again: civilizations rise to greatness, then suddenly or gradually, they decay, because they’ve lost their way somehow. Have we reached or are we close to some kind of inflection point? Perhaps. I don’t know. Future historians will judge us – harshly, I fear.

But I think we still have the opportunity to live up to our name of homo sapiens, and turn things around for the better, instead of sliding ever further towards homo corruptus.

What could be the catalyst to change our catastrophic path, when the forces of evil are seemingly so overwhelming? 

Perhaps it’s just a matter of keeping at it, pushing back, saying “no”. We need to keep pointing out the inconsistencies, the lies, the nonsense, if possible with disarming humour and ridicule. Just like Leunig did with his now infamous cartoon recently. Nothing is as powerful as that – which of course is exactly why he was cancelled.

If such messages only reach a few extra people every time, things could slowly begin to change for the better. 

On censorship and Leunig

Leunig is an Australian icon – without a doubt one of the finest cartoonists. He makes you think. But that’s not what governments and their hired mainstream media goons want us to do: think.

No no no no, don’t think, thinking is dangerous, thinking will get you killed, or worse: you might catch Covid if you think too much! So, dutiful citizen, shut up, sit in front of the telly like a good little boy or girl or whatever, and TRUST US. We are the governments, and as such we would never do you any harm now, would we? You believe us, don’t you? Want a lolly to go with that jab? See? There you go, it’s all better now, and just to make sure you’re not tempted to think: let’s get rid of that horrid Leunig for you.

And so it was done. Leunig, regularly appearing in The Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers for many years, has been cancelled. According to an article in The Australian, Leunig stated that no fewer than twelve of his cartoons were not published because they were not Covid-friendly, or Dan-friendly – no explanation provided.

The last straw was no doubt “Tank man” – one of the most poignant Covid cartoons I’ve seen over the last 20 months.* (see 27 September)

I hope Leunig will remain standing in front of that tank!

*for those not recognising the reference to the Tiananmen Square protests, see here.