Some more Covid logic

Germany’s new national health minister Karl Lauterbach has been a constant presence on German TV throughout the Covid scamdemic, featuring in many talk shows, fear-mongering at every opportunity. He is, of course, a staunch advocate for mandatory vaccination, which is being discussed right now.

On 19 January 2022 he said on the ARD’s national news show Tagesschau:

I believe, that doctors should vaccinate everybody…those who want to get vaccinated because they want to adhere to the vaccine mandate, and those who want to get vaccinated quite voluntarily. Nobody is vaccinated against their will. Even the vaccine mandate results in people ultimately getting vaccinated voluntarily., translation mine

Seriously? By the way, this statement is not that easy to find on the internet. In normal times one would expect such blatantly nonsensical and moronic statements to be splashed all over the news channels.

Once again, because it is so beautiful, and this time in the original German:

Ich glaube, dass Ärzte jeden impfen sollten. Derjenige, der geimpft werden will, weil er der Impfpflicht nachkommt und denjenigen, der sich ganz freiwillig impfen lassen will. Es wird ja niemand gegen seinen Willen geimpft. Selbst die Impfpflicht führt ja dazu, dass man sich am Schluss freiwillig impfen lässt.