Six months living on a ship of fools

We’ve now wasted half a year of our lives under medical martial law. And all this over something that was never more than a test pandemic (in more ways than one), over a virus which manifestly only harms a tiny proportion of the population no matter what.

Some pandemic! 

If this really was a pandemic with demonstrably many millions dying in a short time from some kind of virus or bacteria, across the world, regardless of age group, it would be as obvious as it is now that none of the predicted horrors scenarios will ever be the case with the Sars-Cov-2 virus.

If nothing else, this crisis has been very revealing, bringing out the worst in humanity.

So, thank you, governments around the world, thank you for wrecking our lives. Thank you for taking advantage of such loosely drafted laws that give you the power to do just about anything you like with us. Thank you for abolishing even the semblance of democracy we had before. Thank you for pretending to care for people and saving lives when in fact you’re causing unimaginably more harm by the nonsensical measures you are imposing. Thank you for causing fear and panic in the population which you know to be the perfect tool to make citizens compliant. Thank you for nothing!

Thank you for nothing also to corrupt scientific advisers and medical doctors who, beholden to pharmaceutical interests and the politicians that feed them, and perhaps seeing their once in a lifetime chance to shine in the spotlight, have thrown the scientific method over board and are aiding and abetting in the biggest crime against humanity the world has ever seen.

Big business has also deserved a thank you for nothing. Surely these intelligent people could see that something was wrong here and would now use their usual influence to prevent the predictable damage that would follow? But of course, big businesses know they can take a hit, whereas their smaller competition couldn’t, and governments would always bail them out anyway, so why would they care? And let’s face it: some of them are laughing all the way to the bank thanks to this scamdemic.

Also a big thank you for nothing goes to the mainstream media around the world, which have proved how utterly compromised and useless they are in exposing and challenging shady and harmful political and economic interests. By unquestioningly falling in line with the governments’ narrative and by committing censorship, they lost the last little bit of credibility they might have had. Thankfully there are alternatives.

As someone who has never for a second fallen for the irrational hype and hysteria, and as someone who constantly questions everything, including himself, with respect to the current scamdemic I keep coming back to the same question:


All this madness we’re living through right now can only make any kind of sense when you take a very holistic and a historical view. But it’s a bloody scary path to follow. 

The technocratic, anti-human dystopia the powers that be are euphemistically calling The New Normal is certainly not a world I want to live in, but we’re headed that way at breakneck speed. I wonder if enough of us will wake up soon enough to throw the fools over board and turn this ship around.

The only rays of hope, that this injustice might one day end, come from the increasing number of people who speak out, perhaps even protest. Medical experts who have maintained or found again their integrity and question the measures. A small but slowly growing number of lawyers and politicians who are prepared to stand up for human and civil rights.