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For my next animation I tried out a different software, Dragonframe, which is used by pros such as Aardman, Disney and Laika for stop motion animation.

Just a little background to why I chose to animate my daughter’s brand new purchase. As a boy I was a sports nut and my allegiance lay squarely with Adidas. Interestingly fashion seems to have come full circle, with this very simple design looking very much like the sports shoes I used to wear in the 80’s.

Magic book

For this animation I tried to bring one of my favourite books to life, Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier. Once again, I found out the hard way that controlling the lighting conditions is one of the most difficult aspects of stop motion animation. That’s why I normally record at night.

And here a post-script for those using iStopMotion and who are struggling to connect their camera properly to their Mac. The following advice from Boinx Software allowed me to connect my Canon 40D with live preview:

  1. Connect your camera to the computer with an appropriate USB cable. (Power your camera by AC power if possible. If you do use a battery, make sure it is fully charged. If you use AC power, remove the battery.) – For me the USB cable was fine.
  2. Close any other applications that might connect to your camera.
  3. Open Image Capture, select your camera, then in pop up area in lower-left select Connection camera opens: No application.
  4. Make sure Dropbox is not a client of the camera.
  5. If you have anti-virus software, white-list iStopMotion so that it may access your camera.
  6. Set the Mode Dial to Manual (M). – Note that this doesn’t affect your White Balance setting, so you should also set your White Balance dial to a manual setting to ensure consistent exposures.
  7. Set Auto Power Off to Off.
  8. Set Auto rotate to Off.
  9. Set lens to Manual Focus and disable Image Stabilization.
  10. You may need to remove the CF/SD memory card. – I removed my CF card just in case.
  11. Set live view Exposure Simulation to On. – I couldn’t find this setting on my camera.
  12. Set Release shutter without card to ON or Enable. – I couldn’t find this setting on my camera.
  13. To use the Live View functionality you have to force iStopMotion to ignore the white list. To do this, open iStopMotion, click on iStopMotion at the top left corner of your screen, then press and hold the Option button on your keyboard and you’ll see that Preferences option will change to Debug Preferences, which you need click. In the opened window check the option “Ignore Whitelisting for Digital Still Cameras” and then restart iStopMotion.

Good design thinking


The other day I couldn’t help noticing this low-maintenance, virtually indestructible table tennis table along The Goods Line in Sydney’s inner suburb of Ultimo. Now that’s an example of good design thinking. I know this facility is not meant for pro players, but I still would have changed one thing: the colour of the table. Yellow isn’t ideal considering balls are usually white.

I recall in my middle school I spent many hours playing table tennis at equally indestructible tables, though they made of stone instead of metal. And those tables are still there – over 25 years later!


How did Trump happen?

I’m no expert, but one doesn’t have to be one to have an opinion. No doubt the experts will soon be telling us precisely what led to the unlikely Trump being elected next president against all predictions. As always it’s probably a multitude of factors that led to this historical accident. Would the outcome have been the same if Trump’s opponent hadn’t been called Clinton (many probably through “been there done that”)? If his opponent hadn’t been a woman (not that this should matter)? If Trump hadn’t called himself a non-politician (now that definitely had to appeal to the disenfranchised)?

The fact that both candidates carried with them quite a bit of baggage forced the people of America to choose between the lesser of two evils. A perfect scenario for a protest vote? A kick in the teeth for the established elite by the scores of disenfranchised people sick of all talk and no action? Here was someone who had achieved something in his life, even if it was all for his own benefit. Here is someone who turned a paltry million dollars into an empire worth billions. That’s the embodiment of the American Dream… kind of. Still, it’s pretty impressive that someone who can talk so much rubbish becomes the next president of a democratic country. Clearly, the majority doesn’t always make the best choice. But he was able to differentiate himself, and that’s all that mattered in the end.

But need we be so worried that Trump’s verbal clumsiness will result in nuclear fireworks, environmental disaster, or economic collapse? After all, politicians rarely keep their pre-election promises, and in this case that would actually be a good thing. Donald Trump might pretty quickly come to regret having put his hand up for the top job once he’s in the Oval Office, when he realises that building a personal empire is much simpler than running an entire country. He will have to rely on an army of advisers, who will no doubt have a very hard time staying balanced between stroking his enormous ego and telling him things like, “Your Majesty, building a wall won’t really solve the problem, they are very good a digging tunnels.” Only one thing is certain: the man who has expressed his disdain for the media has just guaranteed them at least four years’ worth of juicy political headlines.

Barefoot pose

I created my 8th animation, my first animated GIF, to enter the Digital Public Library of America‘s international October 2016 GIF ME UP competition. The image I chose to manipulate is titled barefoot pose, a photo from around 1910 which I thought lends itself quite well to be animated. I love looking at old images, trying to imagine the photo in colour, what life would have been like back then, how the photo might have come about, and of course who the people in the pictures might have been. I can imagine the chap in this picture would have had a good sense of humour and wouldn’t have minded this adaptation. I used Photoshop Elements and Keynote to create the GIF.


Mastery in education

Our education system has been fundamentally broken for many decades, ever since schools were established, actually. It is disheartening to see that nothing has changed since I went to school. And there are additional challenges schools, teachers and students are facing today. Sal Khan explains just how the system is broken and how applying the concept of mastery would make education so much more worthwhile.


The times they are a-changin’

I recall lining up at sporting events trying (and sometimes succeeding) to get autographs of sports stars. Fast forward 30 years, and the selfie has clearly replaced the autograph.

Jaqueline from the Brazilian volleyball team celebrates a victory with fans.
Jaqueline from the Brazilian volleyball team celebrates a victory with fans.